Up until this point I have pretty much rocked with the Adidas brand for sportswear. Mostly because I’ve always felt it has been the most stylish, with the most swag. If I’m totally honest, a few years ago when the University of Michigan switched from Adidas to Nike for their athletic apparel partnership, I was a little disappointed. Why Michigan?!
Fast forward to about two weeks ago. I’m scrolling Instagram and I come across a new Nike ad. It’s video footage of Serena Williams in beautifully edited clips bouncing back and forth from her past and present self. Her as a young lady being trained by her dad and her living out greatness as an adult. I could not stop watching that video. Serena’s dad saying to young Serena, “This is you at the U.S. Open…”, older Serena hitting the ball as she slides into the splits (fierce), back to young Serena’s face when she misses, the ending quote, “It’s only crazy until you do it…” This video was all kinds of wonderfulness and inspiration to me.
A little over a week later, once again I’m scrolling Instagram and I see another Nike ad. This time it’s with Colin Kaepernick, “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.”
Up until 2 years ago, our DVR was full of football games! I swear I felt like Brian had to watch every. single. game. that came on. I love football but if I missed a game I could look up who won and move on. Not Brian, he wanted to see the whole game even if it was two days later. The news of how the NFL was treating Kaepernick changed everything though. Two seasons later, we still haven’t watched one (NFL) game.
As we watched the league’s reaction to the protests of police brutality and racial inequality, football seemed more of a nightmare, not a fantasy.
Last year for Halloween, picking who we wanted Ash to be was a no brainer. We braided his glorious mane into cornrows and bought him a Kaepernick jersey! He was so adorable. Check out my Instagram for his pic **eye winkie emoji**.
How predictable of our current President to tweet “Nike is getting absolutely killed with anger and boycotts” to overcast Nike’s golden branding. I could say a lot about this, but I won’t. The unfortunate misuse of power, pathetic herd mentality antics, and childish tweeting of “fake” news (how ironic is that) does not phase those who know better. If a jump in online sales of over 30% is considered being “absolutely killed” well… then…ok.
Yes, there is anger and there are boycotts from some. But, there is also new love and coins dropping on sweet Nike gear from people like me. I never even gave a second glance at a pair of Nike shoes before now. I just purchased my first pair (those Cortez’s) with no reservations and a whole lot of pride.
“What was Nike thinking?” Maybe they were thinking what many of us have been thinking for a long time. Racial inequality is real, and it’s a current problem. Maybe they were thinking they wanted to be a part of the solution and make it clear which side they were on. Maybe they thought, yeah, we will encounter some backlash, but it is still better to walk alone than with a crowd going in the wrong direction.
I look at people like Serena Williams and Colin Kaepernick and I’m amazed. How do you do that? How do you push yourself past mediocrity into the raptures of excellence, impact, and legacy?
Just do it.
It’s the repetition of affirmations that lead to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen. That’s what Muhammad Ali said. Maybe that’s why I’m completely obsessed with the part of the Nike ad showing footage of Serena’s dad saying to her, “This is you at the U.S. Open….” That ad serves as an example that we all need to see. This is how you do it.
If you don’t sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice. Maybe that’s why I’m in love with Nike featuring Colin Kaepernick. He is this example. It’s what we all need to see. This is how you do it.
I still love the three stripes, but I’ve now found room (and total respect) in my closet for that beautiful swoosh**insert power fist emoji, heart emoji, and eye winkie emoji**!
Just do it. Thank you Nike. From now on, I will.
Photo credit: Timothy Blanks
LOVE LOVE LOVE #justdoit