My favorite bible verse since as far back as I can remember is Acts 1:8–” But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” The “being a witness to the ends of the earth” part is grand, but that first clause is stirring. Because how can a promise of power not stir you? Power like Daniel (the one thrown in the den with lions and came out unscathed)? The power that makes you wise with knowledge and understanding, that can explain dreams and secrets and answer very hard problems? Cue the Clark Sisters–Endow Me! Every time I hear that scripture in the peaks of a sermon on a Sunday or even just read it quietly to myself as a reminder, I feel emboldened, but not in a braggadocious or pretentious way because people who pretentiously boast about themselves and their power don’t really be giving those “power” vibes like they think they are giving.
There seemed to be a whole “I’m a Boss” era at one point in social media (I’m so glad it has waned). People literally online proudly self-proclaiming boss and baddie status to whoever would indulge them. Sis, who are you trying to convince? Cue KDot– Sit Down, Be Humble (not to be confused with playing small because sometimes you gotta pop out and show). Frankly, in all of my four decades of living, I’ve generally not witnessed truly esteemed women (or men), the ones that are the most inspiring, influential, and iconic, concerned with announcing pompous rhetoric. Powerful people just exist powerfully without unnecessary narration—everything about how they speak, dress, and achieve makes the declaration for them. On the contrary, those who go around touting “I’m a boss” have never made me believe they really are one.
This always makes me think of one of my absolute favorite monologues by Joe Morton, aka Rowan Pope (aka Command) in Scandal–Season 7, Episode 17. IYKYK. Jake threateningly steps to Rowan’s face, trying to declare, “…I have the power now, and you need to realize…” And Rowan, so unfazed, cut him off, “You have nothing!! That’s my point. How could I have failed both you and Olivia so spectacularly? The two of you scurry around this town, squawking to anyone who’ll listen about how powerful you are. How have you learned so little sitting at my right hand, absorbing nothing? If you have to tell me how powerful you are, you ain’t nobody!! You got nothing!! You have NOOOOOO POWER!!! Real power is silent. Real power is hidden. Real power was there all along. Real power can not be gained and never can be lost. It is not a commodity. It is who you are…” Gosh, I miss Scandal.
Self-esteem is one thing; power is another. My pastor said it like this this week at bible study: “You have to know who you are, not in pride or arrogance, but knowing that the Lord is with you.” So, no matter where the Lord places me, I will make it my business never to need to be on the receiving end of a Papa Pope “I am Power” monologue or tactlessly shouting about how much of a “boss” I am. As my pastor said last month in bible study, “You don’t have to bestow honor on yourself. Let what you do honor you.”
If you can’t see my power without me saying it, if I have to convince you of it, well, then….what Rowan said.
That’s just my two cents on the matter.
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