Today is our 13th wedding anniversary **insert multiple hearts**!
Does anyone follow the traditional anniversary gifts by year? Brian and I typically don’t, but I always tend to check what ours would be. The thirteenth year is lace **insert thinking face emoji**.
Four years ago we took professional pictures for our anniversary. Let me tell you a little about the inspiration behind the shoot. Babyface and Toni Braxton’s, Love, Marriage, and Divorce album was released that year and I was obsessed with everything about it. In my obsession over it, I came across a picture of Toni sitting on the back of a chair in a short white dress. Babyface was sitting, oh so cool, in the chair. It was total hotness to me. I took it to Dan Lippitt and that is how my favorite picture of us was created!
We are planning to do a “Love, Marriage, and the Mitchell’s” photo shoot “part two”, so stay tuned **eye winkie emoji**.
In the joy of celebration, I thought it would be fun to share a few (13) pics of us over the years! Cheers to love! Cheers to many more memories!
In Hawaii…
At a wedding we sang at together…
From our “Babyface and Toni Braxton” inspired shoot…
At Lyric Opera of Chicago… (I was pregnant with Ethan and didn’t even know it yet!)
Hanging out at home watching football…
Just an after church ussie…
At Brian’s aunt and uncle’s wedding anniversary dinner… (she has since passed away *tears*)
On our way to a friends 50th birthday party…
Our first ice skating adventure…(don’t mind my goofy hat)
In Florida at the 2016 Citrus Bowl, Florida vs Michigan… Michigan won of course! We conceived Ash that night **eye winkie emoji**!
After a wedding…
Brian’s 35th birthday…
In all of the world there is no heart for me like yours. In all of the world there is no love for you like mine. -Maya Angelou
Happy Anniversary baby! Xo
Photo credit: featured image photo by Dan Lippitt
Happy Happy Anniversary!!!!! 13 years… WOW!! We are getting old.. I’m sorry BETTER! Love you guys! 😘😘😘
Brian is getting old! I’m not! 😄 Thank you for the happy anniversary wishes Temma!!!❤❤
Love, Love, Love….add 10 more Love’s (lol) IT! Being the actress that plays the role of your favorite sissy (winkie eye emoji) on the, “It’s ALL about MeMe” show I’ve been there for the 13+ years you all have been together. I remember when you met him in high school, I stood in your wedding and I’ve seen you build two homes together. Your relationship and marriage to B Mitch has been a blessing and example of your black love excellence in my life. You all are a truly classic couple, nobody does it like the Mitchells. You are both down to earth individuals that are beautiful inside & out…
*AND you make beautiful babies
Praying that God continues to bless you with many, many, many more years together. xoxoxoxo’s -Sissy
Thank you sissy!!!😘❤
❤️Happy Anniversary ❤️ You guys are the CUTEST couple. God bless you with more wonderful years and beautiful memories. Love you😘
Thank you Rhonda!!!🤗😘❤❤❤