This post is not lengthy. It is just me wanting to remember myself standing in the kitchen marinating chicken waiting for the verdict of Derek Chauvin. Me wanting to remember how I stopped what I was doing when the judge appeared on my T.V. so that I could go sit down to hear. Me wanting to remember how my stomach was in knots as I sat there, how uneasy I felt, and how telling that is to what I have seen with the history of my community. And even after I heard guilty three times, how my nervousness was so intense from thinking I would hear otherwise, it lingered for a while. Before I go to bed, I want to capture this day, April twentieth, twenty-twenty-one.
I thought of that quote by Martin Luther King, Jr, ‘The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.’ Then I thought, I couldn’t pretend to know everything about this arc he speaks of or the philosophical arguments for or against this quote. I just know that the family of George Floyd and those standing with them for justice can breathe a little bit today. Over three hundred days later, his family can start healing. The work is still great, but I just wanted to remember that, today, after tireless work from a lot of devoted people pulling, we saw a little bit of that bend.