August is thee month of birthdays! From day one to thirty-one, there is little break in celebration. Brian and I spent Friday night celebrating year 35 with a friend we have known since high school. We had tentative plans to attend a Saturday afternoon birthday party at an indoor bounce house (yes this little princess was only in year 5) but because we didn’t make it home until well after one o’clock in the morning the night prior, Saturday morning was on slow snooze.
We did made it to church Sunday, which is always the goal. Ash apparently still had not fully recouped from our late Friday night shenanigans; he slept through most of service. After church we stopped by Brian’s dad house. Sunday marked year 63 for him! Happy birthday dad Mitchell! When we pulled up I was totally in love with his beautiful pink mandevillas! Maybe I will place them on the to-plant list for my flower garden next year.
What’s happening this week? I’m back to work after a week off. So, there’s that. Friday we say farewell to August **insert sad face emoji**. However, we close it out with a bang. It will be year 89 for my grandma! Happy Birthday granny!
Sunday night I came across a quote from Benjamin Franklin, “For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.” So working on organization across the board (of my life) is my goal this week. A good system shortens the road to the goal!