I absolutely cannot believe we are mid-way through August! August I’ve waited all year for you, so can you please hang around for a while?
I spent an extended weekend in Chi town. If I recall correctly, the last time I was there, it was to see Lyric Opera of Chicago perform Porgy and Bess, which I still give two thumbs all the way up. Shout out to thee Benard Holcomb ***eye winkie emoji**. That was about three and a half years ago.
This time it was for the APAO (Association of Physician Assistants in Oncology) 21st annual conference (nurse practitioners were welcomed to get in on the action). Brian and Ash came along with me and spent the day hanging out at the pool, at local parks, and strolling through the city while I attended lectures.
Though Chicago is always lovely and I had a great time learning a lot, meeting new people, shopping on that very magnificent mile, eating yummy food, and burning the extra calories walking around the city, it felt really good to be back home. You know, home sweet home.
What’s happening this week? My countdown to 35. This coming Sunday is my birthday! I love birthdays! My philosophy, life should be celebrated! I’ll let you know how my birthday shenanigans pan out.
On the way back from Chicago, Ash was drinking an apple juice. When he sat the juice box back in the cup holder I noticed a cool quote on it, “kindness like a boomerang, always returns.” So my goal this week is to sprinkle extra kindness around.
Not because I’m looking for anything in return (though if you want to send chocolate birthday cake, cupcakes, and/or cookies my way I won’t stop you), but because there is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life more beautiful for others.
How was your weekend? What are some of your plans/goals this week?