Happy Mother’s Day! I’m so excited because I’m celebrating this year with my very first giveaway. So to enter you had to do two things: 1) Send your favorite picture of you and your mom or you and your son(s)/daughter(s) to bememeshe@gmail.com explaining why it’s your favorite pic and 2) tag a mommy you love on the Instagram (Giveaway) post.
All of the pictures that were submitted were so gorgeous and made me want to grab a tissue reading the words of such beautiful mommies. Motherhood is a complex journey from start to unending. There are days when you are like what the heck did I frickin’ sign up for?! And then there are days where you find yourself staring at your child while your heart gushes rivers of love and adoration.
Motherhood for me in two words….hard and beautiful. Many know our story, Brian and I lost our first baby, Ethan, when I was 8 months pregnant. It is a complete understatement to say that it changed our lives. In that time motherhood was devastatingly fleeting. But then God blessed us with our baby boy, Asher. He is so beautiful. He is sweet, stubborn. He’s strong (a little super baby). He pays attention to detail; a trait I hope he never loses. He doesn’t trust easy. He loves to learn. He’s a little stage shy but every time I catch him off to himself quietly practicing his numbers and letters or flipping through a book, I feel happiness. He already knows how to spell his name by heart. He loves his grandma’s spaghetti, (hardly ever turns that down). He’s a sharer, except for his fruit snacks. Don’t ask for those. He loves being outside. He loves walks around the blocks. It’s quite the struggle to get him back in the house. He goes through these moments of being obsessed with something and then he’s over it. His current obsession is PJ Masks and the movie Bolt. Before that it was Cars and Toy Story. Speaking of cars, he loves them. LOVES them. His car collection is enviable, especially thanks to his grandma. We are going through the tantrum phase with him right now sooooo pray for us. I’ve always called him Noodle. Brian calls him Ashipoo…
The five winners of the giveaway are below. Thanks so much for sharing your most treasured photos. All of my love to you as we travel this journey of motherhood. I wish you all the most beautiful Mother’s Day ever! Xo

“I love this photo because it, for me, represents God’s promise of motherhood to me. I remember a time where I questioned whether or not I would ever be a mother, and more importantly, was I even worthy of experiencing motherhood. But God showed me not only would I be a mother, but that I would be exceptional. And this photo for me represents that. I now understand the depths of God’s love for us, since becoming a mother, and it is the most beautiful thing in the world. ” –Kimberly M. Dobine @kimberlymdobine

“I love this pic though because my little guy is the reason I smile everyday. I’m told a lot that he is my mini me and I never could have guessed how much joy he would bring my husband and I. We are so blessed to live next door to my amazing parents and I spend every day with my mom and this little guy.
It is crazy because I was just telling my husband that I love how our son, Reid, calls me Mama. I said, ‘I really hope he always calls me that’. It’s so sweet and makes me want to record him saying it a million times so I never forget what it sounds like.”
–Paige from @wearealltheraige

“This photo displays my motherhood so perfectly. It shows the times where I’m caught off guard by situations that I thought I was prepared for, the laughter that they always bring to me. …unconditional love that no matter what happens in life I will always be there. ”
–Ashleigh B., The Mom’s Voice

“I chose this picture because it was my 1st Mother’s Day with both of my children ♥️ It reminded me of God’s faithfulness towards me. Because six years prior to this picture, I had lost my firstborn son, didn’t have Bella yet, and I cried that Mother’s day of May 2012. But oh my, the Lord restored and I’m so glad He did! He gave me the faith to hold on and trust His word! And I couldn’t have asked me for anything more than for these 2 precious little beings to call me Mommy.” -Janicca Buggs

“The picture I’m sharing is so special to me. Eskimo kisses were something special between my mom and I, and I couldn’t wait to share it with my daughter. She often tries to get me to give her stuffed animals these kisses, and I always tell them, ‘Ooooh no! Only my Sugar gets to snuggle my nose!’ I know it’s a long shot, but I pray we have this special bond, Eskimo kisses and all, until the end of time!” –Darlisha B.
Happy Mother’s Day! Xo