What have I been doing on Saturday mornings between 10 am and 12 pm for the past couple of months? Watching The Cross Connection on MSNBC with Tiffany Cross-–and I am beyond obsessed. I incidentally came across the show at the top of the year, and now it’s my new Saturday morning “thing.” I don’t know what I love more. The classy sister-girl delivery of her dialogues, the guest panels laden with brown skin giving me the 411, watching someone on the air whose makeup, hair, and style breathes beautiful familiarity, or simply how incredibly enlightening the show is. It’s the whole thing for me. Since we are in Women’s History Month, off the back of Black History Month, my love to Tiffany Cross for the inspiration she brings every week. There is a part of the show where she takes questions from those watching and “Make It Make Sense” for them (you can watch a clip below). I have a question Tiffany, make it make sense. How do you manage to deliver so much brilliance, culture, and awareness in two hours every Saturday? Cause I’m here for it!
A totally obsessed fan.