We made it––the ever so fortunate ones to breathe in the newness of another year. And no matter our deepest valley of the year previous, our heart’s beat, our breath alone beckons us to gratefulness. My new year’s eve tradition from childhood is “Watch Night Service,” a.k.a a very late night church service, thanking God for grace and mercies of the old year and lots of praying and singing in of the new year— this year was no different. Except we attended virtually on our living room couch via YouTube because (COVID).
Cheers to the years of Watch Night Service and its renewal of faith and hope. Cheers to 2021–the nights I spent daydreaming, the days I made Ash turkey and cheese sandwiches and apple slices for lunch, and all of its bittersweet moments of love—cheers to this space and those who will read these words. My prayer for you is the most beautiful new beginning your heart can stand. Thank you for indulging in my tiny corner of the world this new year.
Dear 2022, please don’t be ghetto or tacky. Would you mind not exhausting us so we don’t wearily welcome your end? Let the snow fall, flowers bloom, and trees turn fiery colors all over again. God, please grant us joy and peace along the way. Cheers to the days ahead and all of the goodness that awaits.